
[GER/EU] NuKe [Semi-Vanilla] NEW

Server Unturned


n°1 0


3 wahlen
228 Klicks
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Server mit öffentlichem Zugang


 Welcome to our **Brand New Unturned Server** launched on **21.04.2024**! 

Set in the vast and varied landscape of Russia.
The difficulty level is set to **Normal**, making it a great place for both new and experienced players.

Our server is **Semi-Vanilla**, keeping the game close to its original form while adding some quality-of-life features:
- **TPA (Teleportation)**: Request to teleport to other players or accept others' teleportation requests, making team play more enjoyable.
- **Home**: Set your home location and teleport back to it, saving you from the long and perilous journey back home.
- **Killfeed**: Stay updated with the happenings of the server. Know who's dominating and who just got unlucky.

Join us NOW! 


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