
BK - {PvP/PvE} - [GER/ENG] - HIGH Loot/Missions-StarterKit-ActiveAdmins-Beginner Friendly

Server Deadside


n°10 0


48 wahlen
424 Klicks
Kein Standort Wählen

Server mit öffentlichem Zugang


Hello and Welcome we hope u will have much much fun on our Server :)
If u have any problems just let us admins know
just write:  !Admin    we will help u asap
Pumpkin on Head = Admin = dont kill him
Server Rules:
-No Hacking, Cheating, no bugabuse, macros
-Dont insult the other players
-Dont make a mimimimi rage in Chat
-No rassism

Just follow the Rules, have a funny time on the server. We are happy that U are here.
Restart Times:
00:00/08:00/16:00/ every 8hours
-Chance of Dropping a Raid Token: 12%
-Raid Token Life Time: 5Minutes
-Raid Duration: 1Hour
-Base will despawn after 15 Days inactive


- {Information} -
Admins playing with their Admin Account but dont worry we dont abuse our admin tool we just wont buy this game a second time and wont create a new steam account. we hope u guys okay with that.


Killme325 : SteamID -  76561198120266201
AnonymousZ0ckt : SteamID - 76561198128201366



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