
Zurvive and Thrive - Chernalsk | PvE | PvP Zones | Hardcore Survival | Hordes

Server Dayz


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Server mit öffentlichem Zugang



Server Name on DZSA Launcher: 
Zurvive and Thrive - Chernalsk | PvE | PvP Zones | Hardcore Survival | Airdrops | Harder Zombies | Hordes

Server Name on Vanilla Launcher: Zurvive and Thrive|PvE|PvP Zones|Harder Zombies|Hordes

Community members from all around the world! UK/DE/US/CA/PL/SWE/NO/IT/CZ...

Our Zurvive and Thrive - Chernalsk server is a hardcore PvE server with PvP zones and two entire PvE days. We feel the main challenge for DayZ players should come from Environmental Factors, like Zombie HordesWildlifeEVR StormsHungerIllness and others. Don't expect to be able to live off of canned food, you will have to catch Fish or hunt Chickens, Deers, Wolves, Bears, etc. to stay alive!

To enhance the survival experience we've combined Chernarus with Namalsk Island. That means you can travel with your Character from Chernarus to an even more harsh environment - Namalsk❄️


  • Travel from Chernarus to Namalsk and back with one Character 
  • Customized Zombies 
  • Apocalyptic Map Additions
  • Dynamic Zombie Spawns (everywhere - woods, meadows, ...)
  • BaseBuildingPlus2.0 and Vanilla Building
  • EVR Storms
  • Dark Horde
  • Lootchests, Airdrops
  • C4 Raiding (rare) -> fortify your base! :)
  • Toxic Zones ☠️
  • Stronger and also weaker Bears and Wolves (various types) 
  • Customized and additional Military Locations
  • Broken Water Wells and Gas Stations

Most important mods have their description and instructions at discord! Feel free to join our Discord Server to learn more about the Server, Server Rules and our friendly Community from all around the globe(UK/DE/US/PL/CA...)! See you soon ✌️


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