Server mit öffentlichem Zugang
Entspanntes spielen nach Lust und Laune.
Level 600 - AoC - Exiles Extreme - VAM und vieles mehr
Discord vorhanden
-Pippi - User & Server Management
-Female New Faces
-Male New Faces
-Legendary Improvement And Restoration
-Northern Timber
-Arena Pier
-Glas Konstruktionen und mehr…
-Sand and Stone
-Nemedian Building Set Expansion
-Better Thralls
-The Age of Calamitous
-VAM Designs
-Beyond Decor
-Beyond Decor: Rustic Edition
-Beyond the Forge
-MAC's DMT Building stuff
-Hosav's Custom UI Mod
-Pickup +
-[FEATURE COMPLETE] Stacksize Plus
-Armor and Weapon Stats in Bench
-Pythagoras: Expanded Building
-Less Building Placement Restrictions
-Happy Little Trees & More
-Greater Camera Distance