
A Dark World ExiledLands/SavageWilds [GER][PVE][AOC][EEWA]

Server Conan Exiles


n°59 0


256 wahlen
624 Klicks

Server mit öffentlichem Zugang


Welcome to A Dark World the Conan Exiles Server that tries to build something unique!

At the moment all custom Quests and Dialogues will be written in German.
Our Unique features are:
Custom Handmade Dungeons (still in Planning/Building Phase)
Custom Questlines (still in Planning/Building Phase)
Savage Wilds as a so to say "Hardcore Map" (Get more XP but the Enemies are way harder) (Still in Building Phase)
Active Admin
Smaller Custom Events on the weekends if there are enough people online

If you like what you just read why not join and see for yourself :)


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